Comedy Drama Fantasy
A true story about a gay boy growing up in the collapsing USSR, his courageous mail-order bride mother, and their adventurous escape to Seattle in the 90s.
Directed by
Wes Hurley
Written by
Wes Hurley
Dan Lauria
Lea DeLaria
Lauren Tewes
Jonathan Bennett
Jesus Christ
Max Willoughby
Sophia Mitri Schloss
Tyler Bocock
American Potato
Cameron Lee Price
Nick Sage Palmieri
Marya Sea Kaminski
American Lena
Sera Barbieri
Hersh Powers
Lady Rizo
James Grixoni
Alycia Delmore
Woody Shticks
Drew Highlands
Quinlan Corbett
Paris Original
Luminous Pariah
Max Christofferson
Dexter Morgenstern
Consuelo Aduviso
Devin Bannon

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