Action Drama
A massacre is sure to happen at the Capitol Wrestling Center on St. Valentine's Day as the finals of the Men's and Women's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic are underway, Johnny Gargano defends his North American Championship against Kushida, Io Shirai takes on Toni Storm & Mercedes Martinez for the NXT Women's Championship in a Triple Threat Match and Finn Bálor goes one-on-one with Pete Dunne in order to defend his NXT Championship.
Cheree Crowley
Dakota Kai
Deveon Aikens
Wes Lee
John Gargano
Johnny Gargano
Shaun Ricker
LA Knight
Darren Matthews
William Regal
Zachary Green
Nash Carter
Candice LeRae
Candice LeRae
Fergal Devitt
Finn Bálor
Toni Rossall
Toni Storm
Austin White
Austin Theory
Masami Odate
Io Shirai
Jack Rea
Zack Gibson
James Dowell
James Drake
Christopher Girard
Oney Lorcan
Ashley Urbanski
Shotzi Blackheart
Peter England
Pete Dunne
Martin Stone
Danny Burch
Raquel Rodriguez
Raquel Gonzalez
Adrienne Reese
Ember Moon
Yujiro Kushida
Jamine Benitez
Mercedes Martinez
Samantha De Martin

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