Thriller Action Drama
Transferred home after a traumatizing combat mission, a highly trained French soldier uses her lethal skills to hunt down the man who hurt her sister.
Directed by
Julien Leclercq
Written by
Matthieu Serveau, Julien Leclercq
Olga Kurylenko
Marilyn Lima
Guillaume Duhesme
Lieutenant Colonel
Michel Biel
Carole Weyers
Captain Catherine Muller
Michel Nabokoff
Leonid Kadnikov
Stéphanie Pareja
Hotel bar manager
Gabriel Almaer
Erico Salamone
Millennium boss
Blaise Afonso
Operation Sentinel soldier
Martin Swabey
Lieutenant Eric Jaubert
Olivier Massart
Tania's doctor
Alain Eloy
Military doctor
Antonia Malinova
Maria Kovalev
Andrey Gorlenko
Yvan Kadnikov
Mustapha Makhada
Syrian father
Salmane Taydi
Syrian son
Mikael Cassoli
Doriane Pasquale
Young woman in the beach
Sarah Al Sayed Obeid
Syrian mother
Marine Duvivier
Young woman in nightclub
Eric Castex
Catherine Muller's teammate
Grigory Collomb
Leonid's bodyguard
Baptiste Leclercq
French soldier
Matthieu Serveau

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