Comedy Romance
Landlord Kohlhiesl has two twin daughters that nevertheless couldn't be more different: Liesel is beautiful, feminine, sophisticated, educated and in love with a fellow, Toni, from back home. The other daughter, Susi, is clumsy, masculine, never left home and wants nothing to do with men. Liesel would dearly love to marry Tony, but her father refuses to allow the wedding until her sister Susi has found a husband first...
Directed by
Axel von Ambesser
Written by
Eckart Hachfeld
Liselotte Pulver
Liesel and Susi Kohlhiesel
Peter Vogel
Heinrich Gretler
Vater Kohlhiesel
Dietmar Schönherr
Günter Krüger
Helmut Schmid
Gudrun Genest
Renate Kasché
Axel von Ambesser
Franz-Otto Krüger
Portier Müller
Alexa von Porembsky
Adeline Wagner
Heinz Holl
Paul Schacke

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