Horror Thriller Drama Mystery
Trapped within an eerie mist, the residents of Antonio Bay have become the unwitting victims of a horrifying vengeance. One hundred years earlier, a ship carrying lepers was purposely lured onto the rocky coastline and sank, drowning all aboard. Now they're back – long-dead mariners who've waited a century for their revenge.
Directed by
Rupert Wainwright
Tom Welling
Nick Castle
Maggie Grace
Elizabeth Williams
Selma Blair
Stevie Wayne
Rade Šerbedžija
Captain William Blake
Kenneth Welsh
Tom Malone
DeRay Davis
Meghan Heffern
Brandi / Jennifer
Xantha Radley
Mother in Hold
John Destry
Man in Hold
Sara Botsford
Kathy Williams
Adrian Hough
Father Robert Malone
Ken Kirzinger
Sonja Bennett
Stefan Arngrim
Blake's Compadre
Mary Black
Aunt Connie
Douglas Arthurs
Founding Father David Williams
Christian Bocher
Founding Father Patrick Malone
Matthew Currie Holmes
Sean Castle
Eric Breker
Sheriff's Deputy
August Winter
Child in Hold
Jonathon Young
Dan The Weatherman
Tatiana Turner
Woman in Hold
Alex Bruhanski
Uncle Hank
R. Nelson Brown
Steven Cree Molison
Local Fisherman
Cole Heppell
Andy Wayne
Charles Andre
Founding Father Norman Castle
Robert Harper
Mr. Latham
David Mylrea
Chris Sayour
Bobby Bysouth

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