Drama Family
Jack Davis finds himself adrift after his father, the legendary Coach Davis, cuts him from his renowned soccer club, the Carolina Mantis. Estranged from his father, at odds with his brother, Mantis All-Star goalie Sam, and desperate for purpose, Jack turns to his ex-girlfriend Sophia. Jack is inspired by her tough love and unwavering pursuit to become a recording artist. He tackles his depression and takes one last shot at his lifelong dream, by trying out for a rival soccer club. Can Jack finally prove that he is worthy of his dad's love? Can he forgive and believe in second chances?
Directed by
Jonathan Southard
Written by
Christopher D. White, Kristinn Thordarson
Kelsey Grammer
Ben VanderMey
Taylor Gray
Ally Brooke
Andi Matheny
Josh Ventura
Brook Sill
Shaun MacLean
Paul Davis
Briana Scurry
Coach Scurry
Patricia Fauscett Thompson
Executive Board Member

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