Animation Comedy Drama
Shohoku's “speedster” and point guard, Ryota Miyagi, always plays with brains and lightning speed, running circles around his opponents while feigning composure. In his second year of high school, Ryota plays with the Shohoku High School basketball team along with Sakuragi, Rukawa, Akagi, and Mitsui as they take the stage at the Inter-High School National Championship. And now, they are on the brink of challenging the reigning champions, Sannoh Kogyo High School.
Directed by
Takehiko Inoue
Kenta Miyake
Takenori Akagi (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Haruko Akagi (voice)
Shugo Nakamura
Ryota Miyagi (voice)
Subaru Kimura
Hanamichi Sakuragi (voice)
Jun Kasama
Hisashi Mitsui (voice)
Asami Seto
Ayako (voice)
Shinichiro Kamio
Kaede Rukawa (voice)
Ryota Iwasaki
Kiminobu Kogure (voice)
Chikahiro Kobayashi
Yohei Mito (voice)
Katsuhisa Houki
Mitsuyoshi Anzai (voice)
Kenichirou Matsuda
Chuichirou Noma (voice)
Masafumi Kobatake
Nozomi Takamiya (voice)
Chado Horii
Kentaro Ishii (voice)

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