Comedy Romance
Brilliant trivia whiz Paul Tarson is great at answering little questions but horrible at answering the big ones – like what’s he going to do after grad school? When his father withdraws his funding, Paul is forced to confront his future and much procrastinated dissertation deadline…until he discovers the First Annual Ann Arbor Pub Trivia Tournament.
Directed by
Christopher Farah
Written by
Christopher Farah
Arielle Kebbel
Evan Jones
Izzy 'Ice' Dasselway
Christopher Gorham
Paul Tarson
Chris Parnell
Brian Collins
Kip Pardue
Lucas Brannstrom
Michael Sinterniklaas
Umlatt the Flunkie
Kali Hawk
Nelson Franklin
James Koogly
Ralph Williams
Dr. Elliot Tarson

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