Thriller Sci-Fi Mystery Romance
In a future society in the era of indefinite eugenics, humans are set on a life course depending on their DNA. Young Vincent Freeman is born with a condition that would prevent him from space travel, yet is determined to infiltrate the GATTACA space program.
Directed by
Andrew Niccol
Written by
Andrew Niccol
Uma Thurman
Irene Cassini
Ethan Hawke
Vincent Freeman
Jude Law
Jerome Eugene Morrow
Tony Shalhoub
Maya Rudolph
Delivery Nurse
Danny DeVito
Dean Norris
Cop on the Beat
Ken Marino
Sequencing Technician
Blair Underwood
Ernest Borgnine
Elias Koteas
Antonio Freeman
Xander Berkeley
Dr. Lamar
Jayne Brook
Marie Freeman
Loren Dean
Adult Anton Freeman
Mason Gamble
Younger Vincent
Alan Arkin
Detective Hugo
Una Damon
Head Nurse
Lindsey Ginter
Mission Commander
Cynthia Martells
Elizabeth Dennehy
Preschool Teacher
Greg Sestero
Gattacan Citizen (uncredited)
William Lee Scott
Young Anton
Gabrielle Reece
Gattaca Trainer
Susan Jennifer Sullivan
Sequencing Customer
Russell Milton
Gattaca Detective
Vincent Nielson
Younger Anton
Chad Christ
Young Vincent
Clarence Graham
Personnel Officer
Carlton Benbry
Gattaca Hoover
Steve Bessen
Blood Test Detective
Maurice Schwartzman

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