Drama Action Romance
Satish wants his only son, Chander, to be physically fit and join the army. While Satish is protecting the life of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, he is killed by three men; his wife goes insane, and his son is orphaned. Now Chander has grown up and has joined the army as a Commando. The Commander of his company, Mirza is corrupt and is protecting the interests of international criminal don, Marcelloni, by stealing arms and ammunitions. Chander attempts to bring this to the attention of the owner of the arms depot, Kailashpuri Malhotra, who disbelieves him. But Mr. Malhotra's daughter, Asha believes him, as well as loves him, and she along with Jhum Jhum, and Dilher Singh try to expose what's going on. Chander also finds out that the three men who killed his dad also belong to this gang, but then Marcelloni abducts Asha, and uses Chander as a pawn to get what he wants - spread nationwide terror.
Directed by
Babbar Subhash
Written by
Rahi Masoom Raza, Babbar Subhash, Mrs. Husn Ara
Amrish Puri
Mithun Chakraborty
Danny Denzongpa
Satish Shah
Ram Chong
Govardhan Asrani
Shakti Kapoor
Hemant Birje
Dilher Singh
Om Shivpuri
Kailashpuri Malhotra
Manik Irani
Chief Security Officer
Mac Mohan
Security Officer
Asha Malhotra
Dalip Tahil
Moolchand Bhalla (M.C.)
Jhum Jhum
Tom Alter
Bob Christo
Marcelloni's Henchman
Satish Kaul
Satish - Chander's dad
Praveen Kumar Sobti
Sarla Yeolekar
Chander's mom

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