Drama Action
The Cleary brothers, Sam, Leo and Douglas took dysfunctional families to a new level: Sam and Leo have grown up hating each other and neither likes their juvenile delinquent kid brother, Douglas, to whom they've only recently been introduced. The sons share the same father, a womanizing drunk, but all have different mothers. Their father died a rich man and when they're brought together by their sister Nina to learn which of them will inherit the old man's fortune, they are handed an unpleasant surprise.
Directed by
Michael Pavone
Written by
Michael Pavone
John Cena
Sam Cleary
Amy Smart
Nina Cleary
Boyd Holbrook
Douglas Cleary
Ethan Embry
Leo Cleary
Tait Fletcher
Body Guard #2
Jeremiah Bitsui
Mexican Capitan
Lela Loren
Theresa Trujillo
Gregg Henry
Michael Rispoli
Jack Conley
Rio Alexander
Edgar Rodriguez
Marya Beauvais
Dylan Kenin
Morse Bicknell
Uniformed Officer
Corey Michael Eubanks
Deborah Chavez
Señora Rodriguez
J.D. Garfield
Josh Berry
Steve Bermutti
River Shields
Kevin Christopher Brown
FBI Agent
Colin Jones
Inmate #1

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