Action Drama
John Cena and Alberto Del Rio battle for the WWE Championship in a brutal Last Man Standing match that will test their will, determination, and resolve. Plus, will the World's Largest Athlete finally avenge the career threatening injury he suffered at the hands of The World's Strongest Man? Find out when the Big Show challenges Mark Henry for the World Heavyweight Title. And mortal foes unite as CM Punk and Triple H try to put their differences aside to take on their common enemies, The Miz and R Truth, in an explosive tag team match. The Superstars of Raw and SmackDown look to settle scores, from the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas, this is WWE VENGEANCE!
Directed by
Kevin Dunn
John Cena
John Cena
Cody Runnels
Cody Rhodes
Paul Lévesque
Triple H
Phil Brooks
CM Punk
Randy Orton
Randy Orton
Stephanie McMahon
Vickie Guerrero
Vickie Guerrero (Valet)
Paul Wight
Big Show
Kevin Nash
Kevin Nash (Appearance)
Mike Mizanin
The Miz
Mark Henry
Mark Henry
Stephen Farrelly
Nick Nemeth
Dolph Ziggler
Ron Killings
Eve Torres
Alberto Rodriguez
Alberto Del Rio
Matthew Joseph Korklan
Evan Bourne
Elizabeth Copeland
Beth Phoenix
Matthew Cardona
Zack Ryder
Jesús Rodriguez
Ricardo Rodriguez (Personal Ring Announcer)
Kofi Sarkodie-Mensah
Kofi Kingston
John Laurinaitis
John Laurinaitis (Raw G.M.)
Donald Hager Jr.
Jack Swagger
Jason Reso
Theodore R. Long
Theodore Long (SmackDown G.M.)

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