Fantasy Drama Sci-Fi Romance Family
Fraternal twin sisters Emma and Lilly are as different as night and day. Emma, the beautiful blonde tomboy, would rather be riding a horse than anything else in the world. While Lilly, her shy redheaded twin, loves to be left alone to curl up with a good book. Emma and Lilly have an insatiable desire to play matchmaker, because their father is actually Cupid. Life gets complicated when they discover they're in love with the same guy and they become bitter rivals as they try to win his affection. But can Emma and Lily overcome their problems and use their matchmaking skills to bring their parents back together?
Directed by
John Lyde
Written by
Sally Meyer
Lauren Holly
Audrey Valentine
Brian Krause
Daniel Valentine
Jeremy Sumpter
Danielle C. Ryan
Emma Valentine
Zack Phifer
Principal Barlow
Lindsay Bird
Young Audrey
Caitlin E.J. Meyer
Lily Valentine
Shalaina Castle
Stacey Ann Turner
Student (uncredited)
Nikola Clark
Logan Rogan
Amanda Gallo
Chad Hively
Jessica Jackson
Susan Phelan
Mrs. Porter
Dayne Rockwood
Juliette Lyde
Young Emma Valentine
Grace Hallows
Young Lily Valentine
Aaliyah Lightfoot
Cute Girl
Luke Porter
Ethan Lyde
Kissing Boy
Monique Baird
Kissing Girl
Adam Baird
Pretentious Thug
Zack Bullock
Handsome Thug
Adam Kaiser
Really Cute Boy
Bryton Catlett
Student (uncredited)
Christopher K. Hagadone
Kickball Player (uncredited)
Crystal Sargent
Student (uncredited)
Lauren Wright
Student (uncredited)

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