Drama TV Movie
Talk show host Wendy Williams executive produces the biopic on her life, revealing the highs and lows she has experienced throughout the years. Wendy has made herself the go-to source for great celebrity dish on her hit talk show, The Wendy Williams Show, but recently the spotlight has turned towards her. The authorized project provides a revealing look at Wendy’s journey, from her scrappy upstart days in urban radio to the success of her own syndicated talk show. Despite all the naysayers and obstacles Wendy encountered throughout her life, her strength and determination have allowed her to thrive.
Directed by
Darren Grant
Written by
Scarlett Lacey, Leigh Davenport
Emy Aneke
DJ Red Alert
Jamall Johnson
Eric B
Rothaford Gray
Thomas Sr. Williams
Wendy Williams
Self (uncredited)
Adrian Neblett
Ciera Payton
Wendy Williams
Liza Huget
Shirley Williams
Morocco Omari
Kevin Hunter
Madeleine Kelders
Carol Ford
Matthew Mandzij
Vinny Brown
Kheon Clarke
Ken Webb
Nykeem Provo
Ricky Tony
Donny Lucas
Tony Grey
Marika Siewert
Mia Golden
Cathy Hughes
Edem Nyamadi
Male Rehab Staffer
Robert Egger
Rebecca Davis
HOT 97 Program Director
Warren Abbott
Hank Harrison
Devielle Johnson
Jeff Fox
Heather-Claire Nortey
Nurse Brianna
Sasha Monica
Sharina Hudson
Josh Ssettuba
Chelsea Brady
Wanda Williams
Prince Justin Atkinson

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