Adventure Family Animation Fantasy
Amon is a boy who can control the wind. Branik, ruler of the Empire of the Golden Snake, wants Amon's power to complete the ultimate weapon and sends his troops to capture the boy. Amon, using his talents, manages to runs away with Maria, one of the People of the Sea. Together, they try to stop the Empire of the Golden Snake from destroying and conquering everything.
Directed by
Toshiya Shinohara, Kazuki Ōmori
Keiko Toda
Lucia (voice)
Takashi Naito
Branik (voice)
Mari Natsuki
Monica (voice)
Daijirô Harada
Tarbal (voice)
Aki Maeda
Maria (voice)
Yumi Adachi
Amon (voice)
Hatsuo Yamaya
Ursu (voice)
Tarō Ishida
Golden Eagle (voice)
Hideko Hara
Amon's Mother (voice)
Teruhiko Aoi
Dr. Fritz (voice)
Hiroshi Arikawa
Dr. Salishumi (voice)

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