Drama History
Three moments in the life of Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas; his youth encounter with the natives; his resignation in maturity to lands and encomiendas to evangelize and defend justice and dignity against the cruelty of the Spanish and his reflections at the end of his life
Directed by
Sergio Olhovich
Written by
Sergio Olhovich, Sergio Molina
Juan Carlos Serrán
Pedro Rentería y fray Rodrigo
Claudio Brook
Fernando El Católico
Germán Robles
Fray Antón de Montesinos
Julián Pastor
Juan Carlos Colombo
Obispo Fonseca y Canciller
Héctor Ortega
Emperator Carlos V
Claudette Maillé
José Alonso
Bartolomé de las Casas
Rolando de Castro
Rafael Montalvo
Pedro de las Casas
Blanca Torres
Rafael Cortés
José Luis Padilla
Fray Pedro de Córdova
Amelia Zapata
Elizabeth Arciniega
Isabel daughter
Tomás Alcázar
Jaime Vega
Alejandro Uriegas

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