Family Animation Adventure Comedy
Tired of being locked in a reptile house where humans gawk at them like they are monsters, a ragtag group of Australia’s deadliest creatures plot an escape from their zoo to the Outback, a place where they’ll fit in without being judged.
Directed by
Claire Knight, Harry Cripps
Written by
Harry Cripps
Guy Pearce
Frank (voice)
Isla Fisher
Maddie (voice)
Eric Bana
Chaz (voice)
Wayne Knight
Platypus (voice)
Jacki Weaver
Jackie (voice)
Kylie Minogue
Susan, the Bush Pig (voice)
Gia Carides
Doreen / Dolores' Mother (voice)
Aaron Pedersen
Clive, the Dung Beetle (voice)
Rachel House
Jacinta (voice)
Tim Minchin
Pretty Boy (voice)
Aislinn Derbez
Legs (voice)
Keith Urban
Doug (voice)
Miranda Tapsell
Zoe (voice)
Celeste Barber
Skylar (voice)
John Leary
Additional Miscellaneous Voices
Angus Imrie
Nigel (voice)
Jack Charles
Greg, the Head Frill Neck (voice)
Diesel La Torraca
Chazzie (voice)
Charmaine Bingwa
TV Reporter (voice)
Lachlan Power
Dave, the Tasmanian Devil (voice)
Kiara Marr
Norine (voice)
Casper Cripps
Kid 2 (voice)
Freddy Cripps
Kid 3 (voice)
Liam Knight
Kid 4 (voice)
Thelma Plum
Maeve, the Female Funnel Web Spider (voice)
Lilah Yow Yeh
Dolores (voice)
Evie Irie

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