Fantasy Drama
Two visionary talents, playwright Jack Thorne and director Matthew Warchus, offer a magical new interpretation of Charles Dickens’ classic story. This timeless—and timely—tale of redemption welcomes theatergoers of all ages into an immersive experience that’s brimming with Christmas spirit, with dazzling staging, moving storytelling, and 12 of the most cherished Christmas carols, including “Joy to the World,” “Silent Night,” and “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear.”
Directed by
Matthew Warchus
Written by
Jack Thorne
Andrew Lincoln
Ebenezer Scrooge
Lenny Rush
Tiny Tim
Golda Rosheuvel
Clive Rowe
Myra McFadyen
Gloria Obianyo
John Dagleish
Michael Rouse
Tim van Eyken
Sam Lathwood
Melissa Allan
Rosanna Bates
Eugene McCoy
Maria Omakinwa
Sam Townsend
Rayhaan Kufuor-Gray
Tiny Tim
Lara Mehmet
Tiny Tim
Eleanor Stollery
Tiny Tim

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