Drama Comedy
A group of friends in their early 40s are shocked by the death of one of them. After the funeral, they must fulfil his last wish: a peculiar game in which each of them must write down on a piece of paper something that they would like to do before they die. Each wish will be the starting point of an intense weekend in which they will live fun, unexpected and, sometimes, extreme situations. But each one will also open other doors, releasing fears, instincts, prejudices and secrets, leading them to more complex situations by confronting them with a concept that they carry as a condemnation: "adulthood".
Directed by
Cristina Fernández Pintado, Miguel Llorens
Written by
Cristina Fernández Pintado, Miguel Llorens
Àngel Fígols
Oriol Tarrasón
Manuel Maestro
Sergio Caballero
Mireia Pérez
Vanessa Cano

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