Western Comedy Drama
A stranger in a Western cattle-town behaves with remarkable self-assurance, establishing himself as a man to be reckoned with. The reason appears with his stock: a herd of sheep, which he intends to graze on the range. The horrified inhabitants decide to run him out at all costs.
Directed by
George Marshall
Leslie Nielsen
Stephen Bedford / Johnny Bledsoe
Glenn Ford
Jason Sweet
Shirley MacLaine
Dell Payton
Harry Harvey
Grocer (uncredited)
Frank Mills
Townsman (uncredited)
Edgar Buchanan
Milt Masters
Pernell Roberts
Chocktaw Neal
Dick Rich
Loudmouth Man at Bar (uncredited)
Slim Pickens
Willis Bouchey
Frank Payton
Percy Helton
Station Master (uncredited)
Burt Mustin
Man on Stairs (uncredited)
Frank Marlowe
Barney (uncredited)
Dan White
Rancher (uncredited)
Tom London
Shopkeeper (uncredited)
Forrest Lewis
Mr. Baker (uncredited)
Robert "Buzz" Henry
Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez
Martha Crawford
Mickey Shaughnessy
"Jumbo" McCall
Harry Woods
Rancher (uncredited)
Roscoe Ates
Town Loafer (uncredited)
William Newell
Bartender (uncredited)
Walter Soo Hoo
Waiter (uncredited)
G. Pat Collins
Elmer (uncredited)
Lee Tung Foo
Willie (uncredited)
Wes Hudman
Curly (uncredited)
Norman Leavitt
Town Loafer (uncredited)
Brandy Bryan
Miss Rafferty (uncredited)
Tom Greenway
Rancher (uncredited)
Irene Barton
Madame Fifi (uncredited)
George Boyce
Party Guest (uncredited)
Jerry Schumacher
Bartender (uncredited)
Russell Custer
Townsman (uncredited)
Roy Damron
Party Guest (uncredited)

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