Drama Thriller
Somewhere in rural France, a young English female tourist is sexually assaulted by two men in the countryside. After she manages to escape, a party of local hunters agree to track her in order to cover up the scandal.
Directed by
Serge Leroy
Written by
André G. Brunelin
Michel Constantin
Le capitaine Nimier
Georges Géret
Le braconnier
Michael Lonsdale
David Sutter
Paul Crauchet
Mimsy Farmer
Helen Wells
Philippe Léotard
Paul Danville
Jean-Pierre Marielle
Albert Danville
Michel Robin
Françoise Brion
Françoise Sutter
Gérard Darrieu
Béatrice Costantini
Michel Fortin
Le chauffeur de taxi
Jean-Luc Bideau
Philippe Mansart
Françoise Giret
Mme Leulliot
Gisèle Grandpré
Mme Paulette
Jean-Marie Richier
Un employé de la SNCF

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