Drama Romance
Jean-Louis and Anne have had their fling and separated. Now 20 years have passed. He is still dating various women. She is now a big-time director whose most recent film was a very expensive bomb. She comes up with the idea of making a romance based upon her fling with Jean-Louis. She contacts him to gain his permission. Jean-Louis is still in racing and goes away for a desert rally while she begins filming. She finds the mood of their romance difficult to recapture in her film.
Directed by
Claude Lelouch
Anouk Aimée
Anne Gauthier
Richard Berry
Richard Berry
Robert Hossein
Robert Hossein
Philippe Leroy
Professeur Thévenin
Jean-Louis Trintignant
Jean-Louis Duroc
Jean-Claude Brialy
Un spectateur de '40 ans déjà'
Évelyne Bouix
Nicole Garcia
Self in 'Deux sur la balançoire'
Charles Gérard
Isabelle Sadoyan
La boulangère
Michèle Morgan
Une spectatrice de '40 ans déjà'
Tanya Lopert
Tanya Lopert
Jacques Weber
Jacques Weber
Benoît Régent
Un infirmier
Sylvie Jacob
Tom Novembre
Maurice Illouz
Marie-Sophie L.
Gérard Oury
Un spectateur de '40 ans déjà'
François Chalais
Un spectateur de '40 ans déjà'
Antoine Sire
Antoine Duroc, le fils de Jean-Louis
Alexandra Lorska
Patrice Valota
Salomé Lelouch
Yane Barry
Thierry Sabine
Self (archive footage)
André Engel
Le metteur en scène
Caroline Lang
La femme de François Cortal
Claude Sérillon
Un spectateur de '40 ans déjà'
Patrick Poivre d'Arvor
Self / Patrick Poivre d'Arvor
Jean-Philippe Chatrier
Laurence Merchet
Jean-Claude Aubé
Marine Falk
Marie Giamarchi
Olivier Schmitt
Mario Peralta
Joueur de bandonéon

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