Animation Action Fantasy Sci-Fi
One month after Kayaba Akihiko's game of death began, the death toll continues to rise, two thousand players having already lost their lives to the ultra-difficult VRMMO world of Sword Art Online. On the day of the strategy meeting to plan out the first-floor boss battle, Kirito, a solo player who vows to fight alone to get stronger, runs into a rare, high-level female player. She gracefully dispatches powerful monsters with a single rapier that flashes like a shooting star in the night...
Directed by
Ayako Kono
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Kirito (voice)
Megumi Hayashibara
Kyouko Yuuki (voice)
Rina Hidaka
Silica (voice)
Shiori Izawa
Argo (voice)
Haruka Tomatsu
Asuna "Asuna" Yuuki (voice)
Tomokazu Seki
Kibaou (voice)
Hiroaki Hirata
Klein (voice)
Hiroki Yasumoto
Agil (voice)
Inori Minase
Misumi "Mito" Tozawa (voice)
Koichi Yamadera
Akihiko Kayaba (voice)
Nobuyuki Hiyama
Diabel (voice)
Ryusei Nakao
Mito Avatar (Voice)
Kazuhiro Yamaji
Shouzou Yuuki (voice)
Sayaka Kobayashi
Akiyo Sada (voice)

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