Comedy Drama TV Movie
Tension mounts in the Royle household as the family contemplates the prospect of becoming fully laminated throughout. Dr Mahmoud prescribes new medication for Nana in the form of yellow tablets; coincidentally they turn out to be the same colour as the tablets that Joe was prescribed for the swelling when he got his bits stuck in his zip. Meanwhile, a mysterious ginger visitor reminds Nana of her favourite musical.
Directed by
Mark Mylod
Written by
Craig Cash, Phil Mealey, Caroline Aherne
Ricky Tomlinson
Jim Royle
Ralf Little
Antony Royle
Jessica Hynes
Cheryl Carroll
Sue Johnston
Barbara Royle
Liz Smith
Norma Speakman
Peter Martin
Joe Carroll
Phil Mealey
Craig Cash
Dave Best
Geoffrey Hughes
Caroline Aherne
Denise Best
Steve Huison
Doreen Keogh
Mary Carroll
Jim Whelan
Father Kennedy

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