Crime Drama
The real story behind sex trafficking. New York Detective Jack Spencer takes on a human trafficking ring that is tied to the United Nations as he risks his life to save the lives of innocent young women from a life of sex slavery and human depravity.
Directed by
Andrew Kranz
Written by
Andrew Kranz
Mauricio Ovalle
Omar Mustafa
Anna Kuchma
The Fixer
Alix Maria Taulbee
Carrie Miller
Harry L. Seddon
The Pimp
Robert Bizik
Police Captain
Sonny Vellozzi
Frankie Longnose
Christina Alexandra
Tamara Fritts
Assistant DA Miss Ryan
Mark Havlis
Milidan Melosavic (as Mark Halvis)
Bob Hellmers
Detective Sully
Andrew Kranz
Jack Spencer
Jason Kranz
The Butcher
Robert Negron
Carmella Stolyar
Nadia - Ice Queen
Tisha Tinsman
FBI Agent Jones
Nachayka Vanterpool
Head CSI detective
Loretta Vasquez
District Attorney

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