Action Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi
Every few hundred years, the most powerful demon on earth—a snake demon—awakens, and the Yin-Yang Masters are summoned to the capital. Meanwhile, the Princess of the realm has her own plans, as she conspires to claim the demon’s power.
Directed by
Guo Jingming
Written by
Guo Jingming
Mark Chao
Jessie Li
Wang Ziwen
Princess Zhang Ping
Deng Lun
Xu Kaicheng
Posessed Painter
Wang Duo
He Shouyue
Sun Chenjun
Killing Stone
Ju Xiaowen
The Eye Demon
Snow Tengu
Lu Zhanxiang
Li Sheng Jia
Student A
Li Yusu
The Queen
Wang Qing
The Hair Demon
Li Sanshuai
Yin-Yang Student

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