Adventure Drama
Given only six months to live, Englishman Bruce Campbell goes to Canada to claim "Campbell's Kingdom", the land he inherited from his grandfather. In order to clear his grandfather's name and prove there is oil on the land, Campbell must face up to a ruthless contractor and work against the clock to find oil before "Campbell's Kingdom" is flooded by a new power dam.
Directed by
Ralph Thomas
Stanley Baker
Owen Morgan
Barbara Murray
Jean Lucas
Michael Craig
Boyd Bladen
Dirk Bogarde
Bruce Campbell
Finlay Currie
Hyper-religious Old Barfly
Athene Seyler
Miss Abigail
Sid James
Tim, MacDonald's driver-rigger
Robert Brown
Ben Creasy
John Laurie
James Robertson Justice
'Mac' MacDonald
Maurice Kaufmann
Man at Golden Calf
Mary Merrall
Miss Ruth
Gordon Tanner
Miles Malleson
(unconfirmed - not present in US release version)
Richard McNamara
The Stranger
Roland Brand
Truck Driver who brings Bruce to town
Peter Illing
The Doctor
Mark Baker
Stanley Maxted
Henry Fergus
George Murcell
Max, a worker
Nicholas Stuart
Worker Playing Cards
Michael Collins
Bob Head
Charles Rayford
Arnold Schulkes
Jack Sharp

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