Animation Comedy Family
Two little girls - Maria and Mirabella - go to the woods for a walk and encounter several magical characters, among them a frog with his feet frozen in ice, a fireworm whose shoes keep catching fire, and a butterfly who's afraid of flying. To help their new friends, the girls must carry them to a sorceress who lives deep in the forest.
Directed by
Ion Popescu-Gopo
Written by
Ion Popescu-Gopo
Georgiy Vitsin
King (voice)
Mariya Vinogradova
Oache (voice)
Lyudmila Gnilova
Medeea Marinescu
Rogvold Sukhoverko
Klara Rumyanova
Aleksandr Voevodin
Ingrid Celia
The Fairy of the Woods
Gilda Manolescu
Leonid Serebrennikov
Dan Ionescu

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