Action Adventure Comedy
Reclusive author Loretta Sage writes about exotic places in her popular adventure novels that feature a handsome cover model named Alan. While on tour promoting her new book with Alan, Loretta gets kidnapped by an eccentric billionaire who hopes she can lead him to the ancient city's lost treasure that featured in her latest story. Alan, determined to prove he can be a hero in real life and not just on the pages of her books, sets off to rescue her.
Directed by
Aaron Nee, Adam Nee
Channing Tatum
Alan / Dash
Brad Pitt
Jack Trainer
Daniel Radcliffe
Abigail Fairfax
Sandra Bullock
Loretta Sage / Angela
Bowen Yang
Ray the Moderator
Stephen Lang
Fantasy Villain
Óscar Núñez
Patti Harrison
Lauren Shaw
Marcy Jarreau
Raymond Lee
Officer Gomez
Héctor Aníbal
Da'Vine Joy Randolph
Beth Hatten
Ryan Judd
PA Announcer (voice)
Joan Pringle
Olga Buccarelli
Woman Singing in Village
Carolina Rohana
Nerdy Teenage Girl
Roger Wasserman
Sound Person
Toussaint Merionne
Uniformed Man
Alison Faulk
Katherine Montes
Dash Fan
Anthony Alvarez
Cigar Man
Zachary Steel
Meditation Leader (voice)
Jonathan Lev
Airline Employee
Wilson Ureña
Consular Clerk
Alex Schoenauer
Edwin Polanco
Cynthia Guzmán
Audience Member
Luinis Olaverria
Emerson Gonzalez

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