Action Comedy
On New Year's Day 1716, Munenaga of Owari and Yoshinao of Kii were both named as candidates for the title of 8th Shogun. The wise and just Munenaga is plunged into a dispute with Tokugawa Yoshinao that will lead to one of them ascending the throne. This is an exciting and informative film that brings the brilliant history of Japan to the surface in a new light.
Directed by
Tadashi Sawashima
Denjirō Ōkōchi
Satomi Oka
Kinnosuke Nakamura
Minoru Chiaki
Katsuo Nakamura
Atsushi Watanabe
Sonosuke Sawamura
Kusuo Abe
Kenji Susukida
Hibari Misora
Haruo Tanaka
Kyoji Sugi
Keiko Yukishiro
Kinichi Hanabusa
Kinnosuke Takamatsu
Ryuichi Nagashima
Tokinosuke Nakamura
Hideo Hongo

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