Drama Romance History
It's 1947 and the borderlines between India and Pakistan are being drawn. A young girl bears witnesses to tragedy as her ayah is caught between the love of two men and the rising tide of political and religious violence.
Directed by
Deepa Mehta
Aamir Khan
Dil Navaz
Gulshan Grover
Pavan Malhotra
Raghubir Yadav
Arif Zakaria
Rustom Sethna
Kulbhushan Kharbanda
Imam Din
Kitu Gidwani
Bunty Sethna
Nandita Das
Eric Peterson
Mr. Rogers
Rahul Khanna
Maia Sethna
Lenny Sethna
Sunil Mehra
Toto Ramji
Navtej Singh Johar
Sher Singh
Kabir Chowdhury
Cinia Jain
Lauren Walker
Mrs. Rogers

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