Action Drama Romance
Poongsan has the unenviable - and death-defying - job of delivering messages across the North and South Korean border to separated families. When South Korean government agents ask him to smuggle in In-ok, the lover of a high-ranking North Korean defector, into the South, the damsel and rescuer fall in love instead.
Directed by
Juhn Jai-hong
Joe Odagiri
North Korean solider 1
Kim Gyu-ri
Yoon Kye-sang
Jin Sun-kyu
North Korean Solider
Choi Moo-seong
Team Leader
Kim Jung-pal
Hit Team 1
Kim Jong-soo
North Korean Defector
Yoo Ha-bok
North Korean Public Officer
Kim Jae-rok
Mr. Yoon's Son
Han Gi-joong
Section chief
Bae Yong-geun
Yoo Soon-chul

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