Crime Drama
A rookie assistant DA is assigned to investigate the murder of a longshoreman, killed for exposing gangster involvement on the piers, and meets up with a "code of silence" amongst all potential witnesses.
Directed by
Arnold Laven
Walter Matthau
Al Dahlke
Richard Egan
William Keating
Jan Sterling
Madge Pitts
Julie Adams
Sam Levene
Howard Rysdale
Mickey Hargitay
Big John
Harry Bellaver
Benjy Karp
Len Lesser
Sam (Uncredited)
Richard Carter
Dan Duryea
John Jacob Masters
Mickey Shaughnessy
Solly Pitts
Amzie Strickland
Mrs. Cavanagh
Charles McGraw
Lt. Anthony Vosnick
Nick Dennis
Ned Wever
Captain Sid Wallace
Joe Downing
Eddie 'Cockeye' Cook
Billy M. Greene
"Monk" Mohler
John McNamara

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