Romance Comedy Drama Fantasy Horror
Wealthy Sai Moon-Kin works hard to please as many women as he possibly can. When marrying off his mentally handicapped son, he finds himself attracted to his new daughter in law, so he takes her for his own, unaware that she is the evil Mirage Woman, who wields fantastical "sucking" abilities.
Directed by
Cash Chin Man-Kei
Written by
Sai Moon-Gin
Shu Qi
Siu Chui
Loletta Lee
Sai Moon-Yau
Christine Hung Hiu-Wan
One of Sai Moon-Gin's wives
Elvis Tsui Kam-Kong
Sai Moon-Gin
Tsang Yin
Ben Ng Ngai-Cheung
Ken Lok Tat-Wah
Dut Diy
Lu Cheung
Ronny Ching Siu-Lung
Lee Siu-Kay
Lee Kin-Yan
Wong Yat-fei
Happy Taoist
Lui Tat
Wong Shiu-Keung

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