Animation Comedy Family Adventure Action
Garfield, the world-famous, Monday-hating, lasagna-loving indoor cat, is about to have a wild outdoor adventure! After an unexpected reunion with his long-lost father – scruffy street cat Vic – Garfield and his canine friend Odie are forced from their perfectly pampered life into joining Vic in a hilarious, high-stakes heist.
Directed by
Mark Dindal
Samuel L. Jackson
Vic (voice)
Nicholas Hoult
Jon (voice)
Justin Baldoni
Ving Rhames
Otto (voice)
Chris Pratt
Garfield (voice)
Hannah Waddingham
Jinx (voice)
Snoop Dogg
Maurice (voice)
Louis Koo
Bowen Yang
Nolan (voice)
Brett Goldstein
Roland (voice)
Jeff Foxworthy
Zapped Bird (voice)
Harvey Guillén
Odie (voice)
Angus Cloud
Snickers (voice)
Janelle James
Olivia (voice)
Cecily Strong
Marge Malone (voice)
Keith Urban
Eric Loren
Roadkill / Busboy (voice)
Matt Rippy
Spanish Find My Pet Voice / Farmhand (voice)
Eugenia Caruso
Maria (voice)
Calum Scott
Lynsey Murrell
Tour Guide Tracy (voice)
Jennifer Woodward
PA Announcer (voice)
Luke Cinque-White
Vito (voice)
Dev Joshi
Liz (voice)
Chana Keefer
Rom-Com Woman (voice)
Edward Montgomery
Fitness Bike Instructor (voice)
Cameron Bernard Jones
Barry / Lactose Farms Phone Operator (voice)
Darren Foreman
Used Catapult Customer (voice)
Timothy Quinlan
Find My Pet Voice (voice)
Alicia Grace Turrell
Ethel / Lactose Farms Phone Operator (voice)
Melli Bond
Fish Market Worker (voice)
Amelia Sciandra
PA Announcer (voice)
Hannah Felix
Pound Worker (voice)
Debra Cardona
David Pimentel

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