Drama Action Thriller
A top Marine sniper, Bob Lee Swagger, leaves the military after a mission goes horribly awry and disappears, living in seclusion. He is coaxed back into service after a high-profile government official convinces him to help thwart a plot to kill the President of the United States. Ultimately double-crossed and framed for the attempt, Swagger becomes the target of a nationwide manhunt. He goes on the run to track the real killer and find out who exactly set him up, and why, eventually seeking revenge against some of the most powerful and corrupt leaders in the free world.
Directed by
Antoine Fuqua
Kate Mara
Sarah Fenn
Mark Wahlberg
Bob Lee Swagger
Rhona Mitra
Alourdes Galindo
Michael Peña
Nick Memphis
Rade Šerbedžija
Michael Sandor
Danny Glover
Colonel Isaac Johnson
Louis Ferreira
Howard Purnell
Elias Koteas
Jack Payne
Ned Beatty
Senator Charles F. Meachum
Trish Allen
John Tench
Motel Owner
Tate Donovan
Russ Turner
A.C. Peterson
Officer Stanley Timmons
Lane Garrison
Donnie Fenn
Levon Helm
Mr. Rate
Tom Butler
Brian Markinson
Attorney General Russert
Ryan Biegel
Zak Santiago
Senior Agent
Ukee Washington
TV News Anchor
Dean Mckenzie
Archbishop Desmond Mutumbo
Jonathan Walker
Louis Dobbler
Michael St. John Smith
FBI Director Brandt
Garvin Cross
Roberto Lombardi
Assassination Witness
Rebecca Toolan
Mrs. Rate
Brad Kelly
Michael-Ann Connor
Junior Agent

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