Animation Family Adventure Comedy
Boog, a domesticated 900lb. Grizzly bear finds himself stranded in the woods 3 days before Open Season. Forced to rely on Elliot, a fast-talking mule deer, the two form an unlikely friendship and must quickly rally other forest animals if they are to form a rag-tag army against the hunters.
Directed by
Roger Allers, Jill Culton
Jon Favreau
Reilly (voice)
Martin Lawrence
Boog (voice)
Patrick Warburton
Ian (voice)
Ashton Kutcher
Elliot (voice)
Jane Krakowski
Giselle (voice)
Billy Connolly
McSquizzy (voice)
Gary Sinise
Shaw (voice)
Debra Messing
Beth (voice)
Jack McGee
Hunter (voice)
Scott Menville
Additional Voices (voice)
Nika Futterman
Rosie (voice)
Danny Mann
Serge (voice)
Cody Cameron
Mr. Weenie (voice)
Georgia Engel
Bobbie (voice)
Gordon Tootoosis
Gordy (voice)
Jack Blessing
Additional Voices (voice)
Kirk Baily
Additional Voices (voice)
André Sogliuzzo
Additional Voices (voice)
Jackie Gonneau
Additional Voices (voice)
David Cowgill
Additional Voices (voice)
Maddie Taylor
Porcupine / Deni (voice)
Elisa Gabrielli
Additional Voices (voice)
Wendy Hoffmann
Additional Voices (voice)
John Hans Tester
Additional Voices (voice)
Caitlin Cutt
Additional Voices (voice)
Renee Robert
Additional Voices (voice)
Donnie Long
Paul Westerberg
Dan Wilson

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