Drama Thriller
A lowly hospital orderly impersonates a recently deceased doctor and goes to work in the busy ER of a small hospital where he meets and befriends a nurse who slowly figures out his secret and helps him maintain his charade.
Directed by
Christopher Morahan
Paul McGann
Matthew Harris
Tom Wilkinson
Dr. Thorn
Amanda Donohoe
Christine Taylor
Dr. Kassim
Jimmy Yuill
Alec Moran
Mark Lewis Jones
Dr. Lloyd
John Warnaby
Dr. Hammond
Clive Rowe
Diana Payan
Salisbury Sister
Oliver Ford Davies
Barbara Leigh-Hunt
Celia Mumford
Bridget Brammall
Girl in Bed
Frederick Treves
Dr. Mumford
Karen Ascoe
Dale Rapley
Dr. Simon Hennessey
Philip Fox
Phillip Manikum
Maintenance Engineer
Sue Austen

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