Animation Adventure Action
Mazinger Z vs. Devilman is a 1973 animated movie that crossed over two then-popular Anime series, both of which were created by Manga artist Go Nagai. While fighting with some of his enemies Mazinger Z inadvertently knocks them into a volcano, where they crash into the prison of the Satan race and release Phoenix Jenny! Dr. Hell, learning of this, frees the rest of the Satan race and teams up with them to defeat Mazinger Z, and their ability to fly proves to be too much for our hero. Meanwhile, Devilman is also individually fighting the members of the Satan race, but their combined power is too much for him as well; can Mazinger and Devilman put aside their differences and team up to defeat Dr. Hell and the Satan race?
Directed by
Tomoharu Katsumata
Hidekatsu Shibata
Baron Ashura (Male)
Ichiro Nagai
Joji Yanami
Professor Gennosuke Yumi / Pochi (voice)
Isamu Tanonaka
Hiroshi Ôtake
Hiroya Ishimaru
Kohji Kabuto
Kosei Tomita
Doctor Hell/Nuke/Zannin
Haruko Kitahama
Baron Ashura (Female)
Kazuko Sawada
Shiroh Kabuto
Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Mashogun Zannin
Minori Matsushima
Sayaka Yumi
Koji Yada
Dr. Nossori/Iron Mask
Ryoichi Tanaka
Devilman/Fudou Akira
Kyôko Satomi
Mdm Sirene
Shoji Aoki
Monster Pugo

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