Animation Action Adventure
Kouji and his friends have defeated Dr. Hell and are now enjoying a break, but suddenly a strange prophet appears and warns everyone of an oncoming danger, mechanical beasts never seen before start appearing all around the world wrecking havoc. Its up to Kouji and his Mazinger Z to stand up to this threat but it seems he is vastly outnumber and outmatched.
Directed by
Nobutaka Nishizawa
Joji Yanami
Professor Gennosuke Yumi
Isamu Tanonaka
Dr. Nossori/Mucha
Hiroshi Ôtake
Chikao Ohtsuka
Professor Kenzou Kabuto
Hiroya Ishimaru
Kōji Kabuto (voice)
Kosei Tomita
Kazuko Sawada
Shirou Kabuto / Fish Battle-Beast Suraba
Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Great Dark General
Keiichi Noda
Ryoichi Tanaka
Tetsuya Tsurugi
Saiko Egawa
Sayaka Yumi
Osamu Kato

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