Romance TV Movie
Working through some difficult decisions, Mitchell family matriarch Phylis and patriarch Bill, have summoned their two grown sons – TV stars Mike Mitchell and Brandon Mitchell – home for the holidays. It is their hope that bringing the family together to recreate the Christmas house, will help them find resolution and make a memorable holiday for the entire family and community.
Directed by
Michael Grossman
Michelle Harrison
Jonathan Bennett
Brandon Mitchell
Treat Williams
Bill Mitchell
Mapuana Makia
Executive 1
Sharon Lawrence
Phylis Mitchell
Robert Buckley
Mike Mitchell
Corina Akeson
Gail Sterling
BJ Harrison
Chris Gauthier
Marvelous Jim
Ana Ayora
Andi Cruz
Cameron Park
Brad Harder
Aiyanna Miorin
Screaming Girl
Nathan Parrott
Young Mike
Mattia Castrillo
Noah Cruz
Shawn Alexander
Teen Troy
Yvette Dudley-Neuman
Customer Service Rep
Kate Dion-Richard
Female Client
Celeste 'Coco' Conn
Young Andi
Ashley Hart
Teen Andi
Zara Nikou Sichani
Aidan Wright
Teen Mike
Hayden Carmichael
Young Brandon
Brian Linds
Airport Employee
Kael Cedric Arychuck
Brandon & Jake's Baby

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