Drama Romance
While on vacation in Rome, married American Mary Forbes becomes entangled in an affair with an Italian man, Giovanni Doria. As she prepares to leave Italy, Giovanni confesses his love for her; he doesn't want her to go. Together they wander the railroad station where Mary is to take the train to Paris, then ultimately reunite with her husband and daughter in Philadelphia. Will she throw away her old life for this passionate new romance?
Directed by
Vittorio De Sica
Written by
Ben Hecht
Richard Beymer
Clelia Matania
Mother of Annoying Children on the Train (uncredited)
Memmo Carotenuto
Venturini, Thief at the Police Station (uncredited)
Gigi Reder
Bridegroom from Abruzzo (uncredited)
Paolo Stoppa
Traveling Salesman
Gino Cervi
Police Commissioner
Jennifer Jones
Mary Forbes
Montgomery Clift
Giovanni Doria
Enrico Glori
Police Brigadier
Liliana Gerace
Pregnant Sicilian Woman
Giuseppe Porelli
Gallant Traveler
Enrico Viarisio
Cheerful Telegram Man (uncredited)
Nando Bruno
Railway Worker
Charles Fawcett
Sad Man at the Post Office (uncredited)
Aristide Catoni
Priest (uncredited)
Maria Pia Casilio
Young Bride from Abruzzo (uncredited)
Oscar Blando
Railway Worker (uncredited)
Roberto Rai
Mariolina Bovo
Blonde Girl on the Train (uncredited)
Attilio Torelli
Robbed Man at the Police Station (uncredited)
Ciro Di Castro
Information Desk Attendant (uncredited)
Pasquale De Filippo
Post Office Clerk (uncredited)
Ugo Mari
Priest (uncredited)

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