Horror Mystery Drama
In 1944, in the Belgian - German border, seven German soldiers survive an American attack in the front and lock themselves in a bunker to protect the position. Under siege by the enemy and with little ammunition, they decide to explore underground tunnels to seek supplies and find an escape route. While in the tunnel, weird things happen with the group.
Directed by
Rob Green
Eddie Marsan
Pfc Kreuzmann
Jack Davenport
LCpl. Ebert
Christopher Fairbank
Sgt. Heydrich
Jason Flemyng
Cpl. Baumann
Simon Kunz
Lt. Krupp
Andrew Tiernan
Cpl. Schenke
Andrew-Lee Potts
Pvt. Neumann
Charley Boorman
Pfc. Franke
John Carlisle
Pvt. Mirus
Iain McKee
Nicholas Hamnett
Pvt. Engels
Peter McNeil O'Connor
Nick Burnell

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