Romance Drama
Julia Rogers is an uptight, hardworking realty owner who has lost her Christmas spirit. She will have to spend five days at a Christmas Inn with her business competitor, Chad Everest, in order to win over the badly needed listing of the Erickson Farmstead. While competing to win the listing, Julia and Chad discover that they have more in common than they thought.
Directed by
Elizabeth Snoderly
Written by
Elizabeth Snoderly, Sage Mears, Lexi Giovagnoli
Travis Burns
Chad Everett
Greg Evigan
Herb Erickson
Alex Galick
Hannah Whiteoak
Lexi Giovagnoli
Julia Rogers
Janet Fogg
Tracy Fisher
Realtor #1
Susan Chambers
Donna Erickson
Sage Mears
Emily Sue Bengtson
Rachel O'Connell
Jena Rogers
Claudia Anderson
Realtor #2 (as Claudia Verela)
Sydney Gabriella King
Gaby (as Sydney King)

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