Animation Drama Thriller
Rosario, 1926. Magdalena and Anna Scilko, along with a group of women from the old continent, arrive to the city with the hope of a better future, escaping the post-war period. But nothing will turn out as they had imagined. When they get off the ship they will be kidnapped by The Abramovs, a family that operates as a criminal organization, and manages the most important network of brothels in the city.
Directed by
Fernando Sirianni, Federico Breser
Written by
Fernando Sirianni
Nicolás Furtado
Ian Abramov
Norma Aleandro
Magdalena anciana
Alejandro Awada
Roco Falcao
Juana Viale
Madame Safo
Elena Roger
Mariano Chiesa
Maite Lanata
Magdalena joven
Jorge Marrale
León Abramov
Favio Posca
Sr. Lebrum
César Bordón
Claudio Da Passano

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