Sci-Fi Animation
Where the Fourth Doctor left off, the Eighth Doctor comes to finish the job. With Romana and K9 by his side, they have to stop the evil Skagra. A remounted version of the abandoned Fourth Doctor serial, rewritten to feature the Eighth Doctor and fit in with the Big Finish audio drama continuity.
Directed by
Nicholas Pegg
Written by
Douglas Adams
James Fox
Professor Chronotis (voice)
Sean Biggerstaff
Chris Parsons (voice)
Paul McGann
The Doctor (voice)
Susannah Harker
Clare Keightley (voice)
Hannah Gordon
The Ship (voice)
Andrew Sachs
Skagra (voice)
Lalla Ward
Romana (voice)
Melvyn Hayes
Wilkin (voice)
Gary Russell
John Leeson
K9 (voice)
Nicholas Pegg
Barnaby Edwards
Professor Caldera (voice) / Krarg Commander (voice)
Stuart Crossman
Krarg (voice) / Police Constable (voice) / Motorist (voice)

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