Romance Comedy TV Movie
The film follows Chinese American Suzie who draws on her family’s cultural traditions to spice up an old-fashioned Christmas baking competition. Suzie, a rising young architect, returns to her small hometown in Maine for Christmas where her Chinese American family runs the local Lobster Bar. Following the loss of her beloved grandmother who was a renowned baker in their community, Suzie is guilted into following in her grandmother’s footsteps bei entering the local gingerbread house competition. Teaming up with an old high school friend Billy, who grew up to be catch, Suzie must find the right recipes and mix of sugar and spice to win the competition and perhaps find some love in the process.
Directed by
Jennifer Liao
Written by
Eirene Donohue
Tzi Ma
Pete Yung
Brittney Wilson
Blair Penner
Jill Morrison
Sarah Selkie
Cardi Wong
Wayne Yung
Eli Gabay
Marc-Anthony Massiah
Nick Dupont
Tony Giroux
Billy Martin
Aadila Dosani
Jenny Mitchell
Jacky Lai
Suzy Yung
Jamall Johnson
Officer Jerondo
Leonard Tenisci
Brian Maguire
Lillian Lim
Mimi Yung
Micah Chen
Grace Sunar
Naomi Tan
Young Suzy
Sasha Monica
Merry Dupont
Melanie Rose Wilson
Lesley Mirza
Maple Lane Captain
Maxwell Jando
Maguire Grandkid
Scarlett Jando
Maguire Grandkid
Ingo M. Holst
Grumpy Man
Cindy Piper
Nema Yung
Nancy Amelia Bell
Mary Maguire

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