Action Drama
All Elite Wrestling's second annual November brawl has Matt Hardy taking on Sammy Guevara in an Elite Deletion Match, the Finals of the World Championship Eliminator Tournament, Jon Moxley defending his AEW World Championship in an "I Quit" Match against Eddie Kingston, and for the first time ever, one of the most anticipated matches in years has FTR facing off against the Young Bucks for the AEW Tag Team Championships.
Samuel Ratsch
Darby Allin
Cody Runnels
Cody Rhodes
Chris Irvine
Chris Jericho
Maxwell Tyler Friedman
Michael Cuellari
QT Marshall
Vickie Guerrero
Vickie Guerrero
Samuel Guevara
Brian Button
Brian Cage
DaQuentin Redden
Marq Quen
John Anthony Silver
John Silver
Isiah Kassidy
Isiah Kassidy
Dustin Runnels
Dustin Rhodes
Richard Starks
Ricky Starks
Jonathan Good
Jon Moxley
Nicholas Massie
Nick Jackson
Miguel Molina
Daniel Wheeler
Cash Wheeler
Michael Sanchez
Nyla Rose
Nyla Rose
James Cipperly
Orange Cassidy
Peter Senerchia
David Heath
Stephen Woltz
"Hangman" Adam Page
Michael Wardlow
Martin Lunde
Arn Anderson
Matthew Massie
Matt Jackson
Tyson Smith
Kenny Omega
Eduardo Moore
Eddie Kingston
Matthew Hardy
Donald Hager Jr.
Jake Hager
William Hobson
Will Hobbs
David Harwood
Dax Harwood
Gregory Shane Helms
Hurricane Helms
Hikaru Shida
Hikaru Shida

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