Comedy Romance
When a poor student can’t pay his bill at a snack bar a mysterious woman pays it for him. She ends up taking a room at the boarding house where he lives. With her lively personality she becomes erotically involved with all the residents living there and helps with their various sexual problems.
Directed by
Nobuaki Shirai
Written by
Haruhiko Murata
Ichiro Kijima
Detective A
Aoi Nakajima
Yoneko Satake
Yukiko Tachibana
Yôko Kamei
Nobutaka Masutomi
Takeshi Nagao
Koshiro Asami
Masao Saitô
Rebun Hori
Tatsuya Sakaguchi
Rina Nagisa
Ako Hayashi
Kenji Shimamura
Akio Satake
Takashi Kanematsu
Santa Egawa
Tadayuki Kitagami
Detective C
Tamaki Komiyama
Tessen Nakahira
Detective B

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