Drama History Comedy
In 1960, nine-year-old Bachir dreamed of becoming the son of a martyr because he had heard that the children of martyrs would obtain everything after independence. He sets up a whole plan to get rid of a certain François, enemy of his country, while his father, Saddek, abandoned him with his mother and brothers. Through this fiction, the film looks at the life and visions of little Algerians during the War of National Liberation. Karim Traïdia looks back on his own childhood during the Algerian war (1945-1962). On a humorous note, it tells the adventures of a young child and his innocent friends against the backdrop of a raging merciless war.
Directed by
Karim Traïdia
Written by
Karim Traïdia
Hassan Kachach
Malik Bekhoucha
Lucien Guignard
Fatima Ben Saïdane
La Grand Mère
Mouni Bouallam
La Mère
Fethi Nouri
Le Voisin
Mohamed Tahar Zaoui

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